Trading and Wholesale Distribution Solutions
- Complete and integrated system for online and offline retail stores network with serial number tracking and cash register integration
- Automatic calculus of the price on customer, on price levels, discounts negotiated on product groups and sub-groups, offers with limited time span.
- Automatic generation of promotions for products which have a small rollover or the stocks become larger than the maximal stock.
- Checking of each customers credit, and its overdue bills.
- Personalized customer and supplier offers with limited time spans.
- Matching own products with that of the suppliers and the customers.
- Default salesman on each customer, which can be changed on each invoice; commission on product groups and sub-groups and overseeing the encash of the invoices.
- Overseeing the debts on debt intervals, overdue, on profit centers, customers and salesmen.
- Overseeing the sales targets on quantities, and values on product groups, sub-groups, salesmen .
- Interactive and dynamic analyze on quantities and values (costs, profit margins, sales) on products, product groups, customers, and suppliers, in tabular form or graphics. Supply chain management system.
- Dynamic analyze on weekly and monthly bases spanned on multiple years.
- Automatic calculus of the minimal and maximal stocks based on sales from previous period.
Order processing
- Overseeing multiple order types: purchase orders, customer orders, production orders.
- Overseeing the execution stadium of the orders through products left to deliver on each order.
- Stock planning and supply chain overseeing: calculus of future stocks based on orders, automatic generation of purchase orders based on customer orders choosing the best supplier.