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Solutions for GSM shops retail network
The solution for GSM shops thrives on many succesful implementations on industry leader GSM retail chains with hundreds of such shops. The main advantages of this solution are the reduced TCO and industry specific modules (IMEI, service, budgets, subvensions, prices and orders).
  • Alows the seller in the shop to operate through IMEI barcode scaning.
  • Complete traceback through IMEI (including service operations).
  • Traceback of subventions in the shop.
  • Tracing of phones remited to producer for service.
  • Reports of telephones and accesories stocks by time in stock.
  • Quantity, value or margin sales targets on shops, related to product groups or brands.
  • Calculating price on sale and remember subscription type and telephone number.
  • Budgets on expenses and incomes on shops.
  • The posibility to make diferentiated price policies based on shop type and surrounding competition.
  • Multiple analyzes on IMEIs
  • Ability to sale based on a product catalogue with prices in foreign currency with automated invoices.
  • Tracing of orders from shops and automated supply order.
  • Automation of supply orders for the shops: automated document handling for the supply chain.