Solutions for Car Service Workshops
- Automated undertake of the order at frontdesk, on customer, auto number, model, VIN, kilometers, optionaly using models to generate replacement parts orders.
- Classified list of manual labor customized on auto models.
- Programing of repairs on days and hours.
- Assessment of repairs on free shops.
- Board of the work time of the technicians and the load on shops.
- Traceback of evry manual labour to the technician
- Whole history of repairs on one car, including replaced parts, manual labour and technicians.
- Statistical reports of the eficiency of the technicians and the shops
- Automated invoicing at the closure of the order.
- Automated invoicing at preferential price by the customer.
- Services executed by third parties and included in the order.
- The important operations are executed strictly on acces level basis.
Supply chain of replacement parts
- Automated generation of supply chain orders on repair order introduction.
- Trace of orders on supliers, on articles and supply terms.
- Similarities between replacement parts - a variable number of similarities with the original.
- Automated launch of replacement parts from the warehouse to the workshop.
- Trace of the minimum stocks for certain articles.